About Us
National Measurement & Testing, Inc. is a psychological testing and psychometric consulting firm. It develops and administers online examinations and related services.
Established in 1994, National Measurement & Testing, Inc. brings a high level of expertise, dedication, and professionalism to applied psychology, and serves as a valuable resource to program providers and decision makers in industry, education, government, and non-profit organizations.
What we offer
Besides our web-based exams, we offer the following consulting services:
- Internet-Based Testing/Item Banking
- Teacher Performance Appraisal
- Sales Employee Selection
- Tests/Test Validation
- Personnel Selection
- Statistical Analysis
- Job Analysis
- Questionnaires/Surveys/Attitude Measurement
- Educational Evaluation
- Higher Ed Institutional Research
Latest News

Want to evaluate teachers? Look at teaching.
Imagine for a moment that you are a recently-hired police officer, assigned to a local neighborhood or “beat”. Further imagine that you are told by your superiors that your job performance will be assessed by the number of reported crimes on your beat over a certain length of time. Read more...